New mural at 2nd & Scott Streets, “Our West Side, Our Roots,” is borne of a grassroots effort
“Our West Side, Our Roots” mural by Andre Reyneard and Francesco Iacono located at 2nd & Scott Streets, Wilmington, DE
Wilmington, DE: 302 Guns Down, Nuestras Raices Delaware, Guerrilla Republik, and West Side Grows Together, are proud to present the newest community mural at 2nd & Scott Streets in the West Side of Wilmington entitled, “Our West Side, Our Roots”. The mural project began simply with a concerned resident, Michaelena DeJesus, gathering interest and feedback about placing local art on a blank wall in the Hilltop neighborhood of Wilmington, Delaware.
“Close to a year ago I posted a naked wall of an abandoned property that was just purchased. We asked from the people in the community that take this route, that live on Hilltop, or just in general, ‘What do you want to see?’ Artists [Francesco Iacono and Andre Reyneard] have taken these suggestions and depicted a masterpiece of art in reflection of ‘Our West Side, Our Roots’,” DeJesus explained.
The “naked wall” that later became home to the new mural in Hilltop
DeJesus then brought in Sarah Lester of West Side Grows Together, and community organizers India Colon-Diaz of Nuestras Raices Delaware and Iz Balleto of Guerrilla Republik, to make the vision come to life. Designed in collaboration with community members, artists Reyneard and Iacono, both Wilmingtonians and seasoned artists with a rich history of creative work in Wilmington, took to the naked wall with a passion fueled by their dedication to honor their roots and the rich cultural legacy and diversity of the West Side.
Some of the team responsible for the creation of “Our West Side, Our Roots”
The mural was made possible with the generous support of 302 Guns Down, Nuestras Raices Delaware, Guerrilla Republik, Cornerstone West CDC, State Representative Sherry Dorsey Walker, M&T Bank, Ernest “Trippi” Congo II, and individual donors from a local fundraising campaign.
The mural reveal & community celebration is open to the public, located at 2nd & Scott Streets in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday, March 13th from 11am-2pm. A community cleanup will occur 11am-12pm, and the community celebration will occur from 12-2pm.
The celebration features performances by Culture Restoration Project, Inc. program Beyond Those Bars students, Rex Luger of Frontline Muzik, La Cultura Dance with Manny Chacon, as well as the opportunity to meet the artists, and listen to guest speakers. Free food provided by the Center for Interventional Pain & Spine, bike repair by the Urban Bike Project of Wilmington, youth art kits from the Delaware Kids Art Network, period kits from the Junior League of Wilmington, and COVID-19 safety kits from Christiana Care will be available while supplies last. Local service provider and program information will be available such as West End Neighborhood House’s Education and Employment Program offerings and sign ups for the Roberto Clemente Baseball League.