Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

West Side Grows Together Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting serves as a critical opportunity for the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee to collaborate on initiatives that shape the development and revitalization of the West Side community following the West Side Revitalization Plan. The session will include in-depth discussions on ongoing projects, evaluation of community engagement efforts, and strategic planning to address future priorities. Committee members will review progress reports, share insights, and make key decisions aimed at driving impactful and sustainable improvements within the neighborhood.
For questions regarding the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee or meetings, please contact April Pagliassotti Barrett, Operations Manager, at apagliassotti@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5334.
For more information regarding the Steering Committee, visit our Steering Committee page.

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

Spring Expungement Clinic
This event is hosted by West End Neighborhood House in collaboration with the Delaware Office of Defense Services and Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP.
Please fill out the below questionnaire to pre-register for a one-on-one meeting with an attorney to learn if or when you may become eligible for second chance relief in Delaware.
The hosts can only help with Delaware criminal records.
Preregistration is strongly encouraged but walk-in services will be available.
For any questions, please reach out to ODS Client Services Program Coordinator Maria Clark at maria.clark@delaware.gov or 302-688-4560.
By submitting your response to this form, you are consenting to the Office of Defense Services (ODS) accessing your criminal history to make a determination of second chance eligibility.

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

Community Garden Season Kickoff
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

West Side Grows Together Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting serves as a critical opportunity for the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee to collaborate on initiatives that shape the development and revitalization of the West Side community following the West Side Revitalization Plan. The session will include in-depth discussions on ongoing projects, evaluation of community engagement efforts, and strategic planning to address future priorities. Committee members will review progress reports, share insights, and make key decisions aimed at driving impactful and sustainable improvements within the neighborhood.
For questions regarding the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee or meetings, please contact April Pagliassotti Barrett, Operations Manager, at apagliassotti@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5334.
For more information regarding the Steering Committee, visit our Steering Committee page.

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and maintain the garden beds! Let’s dig in together!

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and maintain the garden beds! Let’s dig in together!

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and maintain the garden beds! Let’s dig in together!

West Side Grows Together Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting serves as a critical opportunity for the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee to collaborate on initiatives that shape the development and revitalization of the West Side community following the West Side Revitalization Plan. The session will include in-depth discussions on ongoing projects, evaluation of community engagement efforts, and strategic planning to address future priorities. Committee members will review progress reports, share insights, and make key decisions aimed at driving impactful and sustainable improvements within the neighborhood.
For questions regarding the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee or meetings, please contact April Pagliassotti Barrett, Operations Manager, at apagliassotti@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5334.
For more information regarding the Steering Committee, visit our Steering Committee page.

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and maintain the garden beds! Let’s dig in together!

West Side Grows Together Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting serves as a critical opportunity for the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee to collaborate on initiatives that shape the development and revitalization of the West Side community following the West Side Revitalization Plan. The session will include in-depth discussions on ongoing projects, evaluation of community engagement efforts, and strategic planning to address future priorities. Committee members will review progress reports, share insights, and make key decisions aimed at driving impactful and sustainable improvements within the neighborhood.
For questions regarding the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee or meetings, please contact April Pagliassotti Barrett, Operations Manager, at apagliassotti@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5334.
For more information regarding the Steering Committee, visit our Steering Committee page.

Delamore Place Community Garden Volunteer Day
Join us for volunteer days at the Delamore Place Community Garden! Spring is here, and we’re getting ready for an amazing community gardening season!
Come help spread mulch, refresh garden beds and prep for planting! Let’s dig in together!
All leading up to our Community Garden Season Kickoff on May 10th!

POSTPONED - NEW DATE PENDING: Public Safety Town Hall Meeting
This Public Safety Town Hall Meeting is hosted by Rep. DeShanna Neal and other State and Local Legislators and attendees will discuss issues about the housing insecure, drug/criminal activity along Lancaster and Maryland Avenues. More information to be announced.
Speakers include:
New Castle County Councilman Toole
Senator Spiros Mantzavinos
Senator Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman
Brandywine Counseling & Community Services
Delaware State Police Troops 1 & 6
Elsmere Police Department
Wilmington Police Department

Gardener Planning Meeting, Potluck & Seed Swap + Open Gym
Join West Side Grows and @greenforthegreatergood THIS SUNDAY, March 9th, from 5-7PM at West End Neighborhood House for our rescheduled Gardener Planning Meeting, Potluck & Seed Swap!
Come be part of planning the new garden, bring a meal to share and some seeds to swap, and enjoy the gym!
All are welcome - whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just getting started!
RSVP at greenforthegreatergood.org/gardeners and spread the word!
See you there!

Public Workshop: Augustine Cut Off Multimodal Improvement Study, Phase 2
The Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO), the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) and the New Castle County (Delaware) Department of Land Use, are working together to create a program of improvements for Augustine Cut Off.
The Augustine Cut Off Multimodal Improvement Study, Phase 2, follows the Phase 1 study conducted by DelDOT in 2022 which led to a pathway/sidewalk improvement concept for Augustine Cut Off from Lovering Avenue to Cantera Avenue, which is in currently in the design process. Click here to review Phase 1 study materials.
There is a need to develop a concept for the entire corridor to function more safely for all modes. The study will continue to develop a program of traffic safety recommendations, low-stress pedestrian and bicycle facilities and context sensitive aesthetic improvements from Lovering Avenue to W Park Drive. This study will continue the public engagement effort that was begun with DelDOT’s Phase 1 Study. The goal is to develop concepts for the road from a more holistic perspective (bike/ped facilities, intersection improvements, traffic calming, typical sections, aesthetics) and develop a concept for a capital project.
At this workshop you will have the opportunity to participate in the project visioning process, provide comments on possible improvement scenarios, and give your opinion on the priorities of the corridor. Please arrive between 5 and 5:30 PM to join your community in creating a vision for the Augustine Cut Off corridor.
Workshop Format
Information Boards: 5-5:30 PM
Short Presentation: 5:30-6 PM
Small Group Activity: 6-7 PM
Wrap Up/Next Steps: 7-7:15 PM
To request special accommodations, or if you need this information in another language, please contact WILMAPCO at (302) 737-6205 or dvoss@wilmapco.org.

¡Sesión Informativa: Conoce Tus Derechos como Inmigrante! | Info Session: Know Your Rights as an Immigrant
¡Sesión Informativa: Conoce Tus Derechos como Inmigrante!
Únete a nosotros en esta importante sesión informativa para conocer más sobre tus derechos y recibir asesoría legal de expertos.
Participarán representantes de:
Oficinas del Gobernador Meyer y la Vicegobernadora Evans
Fiscal General Jennings
Cónsules de:
El Salvador
República Dominicana
Este evento está dirigido a nuestras comunidades inmigrantes, pero todos son bienvenidos.
Organizado por: Rep. Josue Ortega, 3rd RD
Para más información, escribe a Felicita.Diaz-Rivera@delaware.gov.
¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad de conocer tus derechos y recibir información clave!
Information Session: Know Your Rights as an Immigrant!
Join us for this important informative session to learn more about your rights and receive legal advice from experts.
Representatives of:
Offices of Governor Meyer and Lieutenant Governor Evans
Attorney General Jennings
Consuls of:
El Salvador
Dominican Republic
This event is aimed at our immigrant communities, but everyone is welcome.
Hosted by: Rep. Josue Ortega, 3rd RD
For more information, write to Felicita.Diaz-Rivera@delaware.gov.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn about your rights and receive key information!

Youth & Community-Building Sub-Committee
This Youth & Community Building Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to increase institutional collaboration and support community leadership, and uplift & celebrate youth and families in the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 5: Youth & Community-Building:
5.1 Support neighborhood leaders and organizations in spearheading community projects and advocacy
5.2 Increase institutional collaboration and communication among West Side organizations and service providers
5.3 Connect teens with opportunities to foster responsibility, skill-building, and mentorship
5.4 Support parents, guardians, and caretakers in building strong family foundations
If you are interested in joining the Youth & Community-Building Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Housing Sub-Committee, please contact Vanity Constance, Community Development Manager, at vconstance@westsidegrows.org or (302) 888-5430.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.
Cover photo by West End Neighborhood House/Above Xpectations Track & Field Team.

Housing Sub-Committee Meeting
This Housing Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to increase organizational capacity & collaboration among housing stakeholders, invest in the health of existing housing, and support new housing development for various needs and income levels in the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 1: Housing
1.1 Coordinate housing priorities, development, and marketing with West Side stakeholders
1.2 Improve connections to existing housing resources and homeownership opportunities
1.3 Advocate for programs to support responsible landlord practices
1.4 Implement energy-efficient strategies in new and existing housing to increase climate resiliency
1.5 Expand homeowner repair programs
1.6 Implement strategic code enforcement to increase the health of West Side homes and support residents
1.7 Support the development of affordable and supportive housing in the West Side
If you are interested in joining the Housing Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Housing Sub-Committee, please contact Starr Wilson, Housing & Real Estate Manager, at swilson@westsidegrows.org or (302) 888-5345.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.
Cover photo by Woodlawn Trustees of The Flats development.

Economic Development Sub-Committee Meeting
This Economic Development Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to support and grow businesses and the commercial corridors in the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 2: Economic Development:
2.1 Incentivize commercial development and growth along commercial corridors
2.2 Connect residents to educational and employment opportunities to support economic growth
2.3 Strengthen business leadership and collaboration
2.4 Complete Union St. as a vibrant and economically active Main Street
2.5 Improve the pedestrian experience on commercial corridors
2.6 Increase marketing and visibility of West Side Corridors
2.7 Design 4th Street for safety and walkability
2.8 Target redevelopment to support the emerging [4th Street] commercial corridor
2.9 Build the community through beautification, events, and capacity-building
If you are interested in joining the Economic Development Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Economic Development Sub-Committee, please contact Sarah Lester, President & CEO, at slester@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5331.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.
Cover photo by Wilmington City Council of the ribbon cutting/grand opening of Hell’s Belles Bake Shop.

Health & Community Wellbeing Sub-Committee Meeting
This Health & Community Wellbeing Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to enhance health & wellness across intersections in the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 6: Health & Community Wellbeing:
6.1 Connect community-based health initiatives with delivery of care in the West Side
6.2 Support vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness or substance abuse
6.3 Bring fresh, healthy food to residents of all backgrounds and income levels
6.4 Promote and increase access to health resources and services
If you are interested in joining the Health & Community Wellbeing Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Health & Community Wellbeing Sub-Committee, please contact Britt Salen, Neighborhood Planning Manager, at bsalen@westsidegrows.org or (302) 888-5335.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.
Cover photo by the Latin American Community Center of their Prevention Promoters program.

Love Thy Neighbor
Hello Friends and Community Partners,
On Friday, February 14, 2025, we invite you to experience a heartwarming day of kindness and connection at our two Love Thy Neighbor Community Day events!
1st Event Location: Best Night Inn (1200 West Ave, New Castle)
When: February 14, 2025 -- 10am-12pm
2nd Event Location: 4th & Rodney Streets (Wilmington)
When: February 14, 2025 -- 1:30-3:30pm
This special community gathering is all about spreading love and warmth. Enjoy complimentary warm drinks, food, and clothing donations, along with thoughtful gifts of love for everyone in attendance.
Together, let's create a space where everyone feels valued and cared for. Whether you're looking to lend a helping hand or simply enjoy the spirit of giving, there’s a place for you here!
We warmly welcome vendors and volunteers who want to join us in making this day truly unforgettable. Share your talents, offer your support, and help us make a difference in our community.
For more information or to get involved, please call us at 302-419-0429. Let's come together to celebrate our neighbors and make this Valentine's Day about love in every form!

Mobility & Safe Streets Sub-Committee
This Mobility & Safe Streets Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to enhance mobility justice and safe streets across the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 4: Mobility & Safe Streets:
4.1 Improve public transit access and mobility
4.2 Make it safe and easy to bike in the West Side
4.3 Calm traffic to increase pedestrian safety
4.4 Increase curb appeal through beautification, cleaning, and public art
4.5 Increase neighborhood safety
If you are interested in joining the Mobility & Safe Streets Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Mobility & Safe Streets Sub-Committee, please contact Sarah Lester, President & CEO, at slester@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5331.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.
Cover photo by Open Streets Wilmington of their 2024 4th Street event.

7th District Neighborhood Planning Council Meeting
The 7th District Neighborhood Planning Council (7th District NPC) will be having a meeting on February 12th at 5:30pm at the Woodlawn Library. Please attend and let the members of your individual communities know that they are invited too.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact Dayl Thomas, 7th District NPC Secretary, at 7thnpc@gmail.com.

Vistas at Saint Francis Affordable Senior Housing Project Community Meeting
Join Cornerstone West CDC and Saint Francis Hospital leadership for a community meeting regarding important updates about the Vistas at Saint Francis Affordable Senior Housing Project.
Discussion topics include:
Updates on the development process
Maintenance efforts on the property
Open discussion for community feedback
For information or questions, contact Starr Wilson at swilson@westsidegrows.org or (302) 658-4171 ext. 198.

Parks & Gardens Sub-Committee Meeting
This Parks & Gardens Sub-Committee Meeting of the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee will focus on advancing key initiatives to enhance green spaces and promote environmental justice across the West Side. Discussions will include planning & implementation for the following recommendations set forth by the update to the West Side Plan, Section 3: Parks & Gardens:
3.1 Support the redesign and development of Rodney Reservoir as a public, nature-focused community park for the West Side
3.2 Reactivate vacant lots into community-serving spaces
3.3 Integrate green infrastructure into public spaces and streetscape improvements
3.4 Encourage participation in open space stewardship and sense of ownership
3.5 Increase access to open space, physical activity, and recreation for all
If you are interested in joining the Parks & Gardens Sub-Committee, please complete this form.
For questions regarding the Parks & Gardens Sub-Committee, please contact Billy Haviland, Parks & Opens Space Manager, at bhaviland@westsidegrows.org or (302) 888-5348.
For more information about the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee, please visit our Steering Committee page.

5th District Neighborhood Planning Council
The next meeting of the 5th District Neighborhood Planning Council is Monday, Feb 10 at 6:30 PM at Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center at 1018 W. 6th St. The agenda includes:
Street and Sidewalk Repairs: visit the map at the link to review issues already identified for repair
Community Projects: review a list of projects at the link.
For more information please email 5thdistrictnpc@gmail.com.

West Side Grows Together Steering Committee Meeting
This meeting serves as a critical opportunity for the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee to collaborate on initiatives that shape the development and revitalization of the West Side community following the West Side Revitalization Plan. The session will include in-depth discussions on ongoing projects, evaluation of community engagement efforts, and strategic planning to address future priorities. Committee members will review progress reports, share insights, and make key decisions aimed at driving impactful and sustainable improvements within the neighborhood.
For questions regarding the West Side Grows Together Steering Committee or meetings, please contact April Pagliassotti Barrett, Operations Manager, at apagliassotti@cornerstonewestcdc.org or (302) 888-5334.
For more information regarding the Steering Committee, visit our Steering Committee page.

13th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Clean Up, Peace March, and Celebration
Save the date for our 13th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Clean Up, Peace March, and Celebration.
Join our community clean up or commit to your own acts of service on Monday, January 20th, where you will also have the opportunity to take advantage of community resources, free food, opportunities for further advocacy, family friendly activities and a small business marketplace.
More details to come at westsidegrows.org/mlkday.
Questions? Call 302-888-5348 or email Billy Haviland at bhaviland@westsidegrows.org.

Westside Neighborhood Coalition Meeting
Meeting Frequency/Dates: Every 3rd Thursday from 6:30pm-7:30pm except July and August
Meeting Location: Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center, 1018 W 6th Street
Contact Name: Cindy Gaines-Gibbs
Contact Title:
Contact Email: cgibbs@wilmhs.org
Contact Phone Number:
URL if any: N/A
Open to Public? Yes
If no, who is allowed to join? N/A
Target Geographic Area: West Side neighborhood

Light Up 4th Street Neighborhood Stroll
Join us for a heartwarming holiday celebration during the Light Up 4th Street Neighborhood Stroll!
Let's come together to admire festive decorations, enjoy the season's cheer, and connect with neighbors and businesses that make our community shine.
To join the stroll meet us at: Be Ready Church (1411 West 4th street)
Once you meet at Be Ready, the route will be from 4th and Union to the Latin American Community Center (403 North Van Buren Street)
-We encourage residents & businesses to decorate porches and store fronts!
-Stroll to admire beautifully decorated porches and storefronts.
-Special gifts for participating decorators. (first come, first served)
-Wrap up the event with refreshments, resources, and photo opportunities at Be Ready Church
Questions? Contact Vanity Constance at vconstance@westsidegrows.org.

Launching Into The Holidays: Holiday Market
We’re thrilled to announce the first-ever Holiday Fair, brought to you by West End Neighborhood House, Launcher, and West Side Grows Together! Support local businesses and find the perfect gift for that special someone while celebrating the holiday season with our community.
Brought to you by West End Neighborhood House, Launcher, and West Side Grows Together.

4th Street Civic Association Meeting
Meeting Frequency/Dates: Every last Wednesday at 6:30pm-7:30pm with earlier dates in November and December
Meeting Location: Be Ready Jesus is Coming Church, 1411 W 4th Street
Contact Name: Wayne DeShields
Contact Title: Elder
Contact Email: info@bereadycdc.org
Contact Phone Number: (302) 655-2700
URL if any: www.bereadycdc.org
Open to Public? Yes
If no, who is allowed to join? N/A
Target Geographic Area: Neighborhoods between Lancaster and 6th St. and Broom and N. Union

7th District Neighborhood Planning Council Meeting
Meeting Frequency/Dates: Six times a year (every other month), dates TBD. Every last Tuesday from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Meeting Location: Woodlawn Branch Library, 2020 W 9th Street, Wilmington, DE 19805
Contact Name: Dayl Thomas
Contact Title: Secretary
Contact Email: 7thnpc@gmail.com
Contact Phone Number: 302-300-9677
URL if any: N/A
Open to Public? Yes
If no, who is allowed to join? N/A
Target Geographic Area: 7th Councilmanic District
Mission of Meetings if any: The mission of the Neighborhood Planning Council is to provide leadership in concert with the City’s Administration, in initiating a community-wide planning process to address the physical, social, and economic needs of the community.
Notes: The 7th District NPC strives to include all members and organizations in the 7th Councilmanic District of Wilmington, DE, especially the various community leaders.

Cool Spring/Tilton Neighborhood Association Meeting
Meeting Frequency/Dates: Every 2nd Monday from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Meeting Location: Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center, 1018 W 6th Street
Contact Name: Branden Fletcher-Dominguez
Contact Title: Secretary
Contact Email: 5thdistrictnpc@gmail.com
Contact Phone Number: 302-332-9889
URL if any: N/A
Open to Public? Yes
If no, who is allowed to join? N/A
Target Geographic Area: 5th Councilmanic District
Mission of Meetings if any: The mission of the Neighborhood Planning Council is to provide leadership in concert with the City’s Administration, in initiating a community-wide planning process to address the physical, social, and economic needs of the community.

5th District Neighborhood Planning Council Meeting
Meeting Frequency/Dates: Every 2nd Monday from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Meeting Location: Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center, 1018 W 6th Street, Wilmington, DE 19805
Contact Name: Branden Fletcher-Dominguez
Contact Title: Secretary
Contact Email: 5thdistrictnpc@gmail.com
Contact Phone Number: 302-332-9889
URL if any: N/A
Open to Public? Yes
If no, who is allowed to join? N/A
Target Geographic Area: 5th Councilmanic District
Mission of Meetings if any: The mission of the Neighborhood Planning Council is to provide leadership in concert with the City’s Administration, in initiating a community-wide planning process to address the physical, social, and economic needs of the community.

West Side Grows Together Appreciation Lunch
Join Us for a Celebration of Community, Growth, and Gratitude!
Special Thanks to Our Community Volunteers & Supporters!
This event would not be possible without the amazing staff & volunteers who come together to tend, activate, and foster the gardens and make it a thriving space for everyone. Let's come together to show our appreciation.
Come together with neighbors, friends, volunteers, and fellow garden enthusiasts to share a meal, connect, and celebrate the spirit of our vibrant community. All are welcome!
Date: December 8, 2024
Time: 12pm - 2pm
Location: Delamore Place Community Garden, 403 Delamore Place, Wilmington, DE 19805
Event Highlights:
Complimentary Lunch – !!!
Music – Enjoy some tunes while you eat
Garden & Orchard Tours – Discover what's growing
Fun Activities – Fun games and crafts for the little ones
Community Connections – Meet your neighbors and make new friends
(We ask that you please RSVP using the link below so we can make sure to have enough food and fun for everyone.)
Please Bring:
- A dish to share (optional)
- A reusable water bottle, plate, and utensils (help us reduce waste!)
We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating all the wonderful things that make our community gardens and outdoor spaces so special!
Delamore Place Community Gardens – Growing Together, Thriving Together
West Side Grows Together & Cornerstone West CDC Delamore Place Community Garden & Delamore Place Mini Learning OrchardOutdoor Global Classroom
(302) 888-5335 (Office)
Contact: Britt Salen at bsalen@westsidegrows.org

Season of Giving: Free Food Giveaway and Community Resource Event
Join us for a day of community, kindness, and connection at our Season of Giving event!
We’ll have free food giveaways, access to community resources, and a hot beverage station generously donated by a local coffee shop.
Special thanks to our partners, West Side business owners La Flor Grocery Store and L.E.X Allure Beauty Spa, for making this event possible!
The location of the event, La Flor is located on the corner of 2nd and Lancaster. Upon arrival you will see tables for the free food, the hot beverage station and resources.
Date: Saturday December 7th
Location: La Flor 1100 W 2nd St, Wilmington, DE 19805
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Parking: Free street parking and complimentary parking on weekends!
To volunteer or if you have questions, email : vconstance@westsidegrows.org
Let’s make this season brighter together—everyone is welcome - West Side Grows Together - www.westsidegrows.org