Local efforts combine forces to support struggling restaurants and community heroes alike

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Introducing Heroes & Restaurants, serving New Castle County

Heroes & Restaurants, Serving New Castle County, is a partnership of West Side Grows Together, the Feeding Front Line Healthcare Givers Fund, members of The Shone Family, New Castle County and generous individual donors. Heroes & Restaurants has two major goals: 1) to feed our heroes, healthcare givers and essential workers who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2) to support the local small business community.

Building from local efforts to support our Heroes & Restaurants, longtime Delaware-area resident, Michael Shone, reached out to Cornerstone West CDC to spur this effort, launching first in the West Side of Wilmington. “It is so important for us to appreciate the selflessness to those protecting us and the restaurants that are such an essential part of our community. Helping the heroes and assisting the restaurants is just one small way of giving back. I hope others will also contribute to the cause by donating their time and money if they are able.” he remarked.

The team behind Heroes & Restaurants quickly learned of similar efforts throughout the state and combined resources with Meg Geisewite’s Feeding Front Line Healthcare Givers that has fed over 1,000 front line workers. Meg was also featured in Town Square Delaware and NBC 10 for her efforts.  Meg comments, “I am honored and delighted to partner with Heroes & Restaurants. It is great to see my small idea blossom into a larger, more impactful campaign through this partnership which will have a lasting impact on our local community and economy.”

A key strategy of Cornerstone’s West CDC’s Side Revitalization Plan called West Side Grows Together is to support existing businesses and sustain local ‘Main Street’ corridors. President & CEO Sarah Lester adds, “Our small business community in the West Side, in the City of Wilmington, and throughout this country is suffering due to the impacts of COVID-19. Businesses are reporting a 60% average loss in revenue. We need to do something NOW to direct customers and funding to small businesses at the heart of our communities. Heroes & Restaurants is a win-win-win for our heroes, restaurants, and our communities.”

Local businesses have been eager to jump right in. One of the program’s earliest participants, Luis Peláez of Papa’s Food Market, was anxious to get involved.  “I think the program shows a lot of dedication to the members from our community that put the work in to keep us healthy and protect us on a daily basis. That’s why it’s an honor for us to be part of such a great cause.,” Peláez expresses about his experience with the program.  Andrea Wakefield of Mrs. Robino’s Italian Restaurant speaks of their involvement as well, “We are so happy that Mrs. Robino’s was able to supply dinners for the environmental cleaning workers at St. Francis Hospital.  This program helps small family businesses and also recognizes the people who are working on the front lines everyday.  This program helps keep our community together by supporting each other.”

Small businesses, specifically restaurants, are the heart of our communities and the program has the distinct advantage of being able to help the community at large, rather than being limited to a specific restaurant group.  Rather than working with a select few restaurants, the program seeks to arrange deliveries from a wide range of area restaurants, mostly the sit-down restaurants that may have been most greatly affected by the spread of COVID-19.  Additionally, they deliver meals to all sorts of “heroes,” from healthcare workers, to firefighters, volunteers, long-term care facilities and other community organizations working tirelessly to support their neighbors through this time.


This program would not be possible without our heroes, volunteers, restaurants, and partners.  New Castle County was expeditious with their involvement.  “New Castle County is proud to support today’s essential workers and local businesses,” said County Executive Matthew Meyer. “Supporting the most vulnerable will result in long term vibrant communities, where economic corridors will sustain and thrive. Yet, some gestures of kindness are needed; supporting programs like Heroes and Restaurants is a responsibility.”

After the first two weeks in operation, Heroes & Restaurants has raised over $30,000 and accomplished the following:

And Heroes & Restaurants is just getting started! If you would like to donate to the fund or get involved as a recipient of meals, restaurant, or volunteer, visit Heroes & Restaurants on the web, or contact April Pagliassotti at apagliassotti@westsidegrows.org.

Follow Heroes & Restaurants on the Web, Facebook & Instagram for more information and program updates.


The Bharat Patel Charitable Trust partners with Heroes & Restaurants to thank community heroes with gift cards to local restaurants


West Side Stories; Pastor Calvin Brown